
Anxiety and depression are very common. Almost all people will at some time in life to experience such symptoms of stress or crises in life. To lose contact with reality, to have so-called psychotic symptoms, are not as common. These conditions are usually successfully treated with psychological methods.

To occasionally experience depression, mental uneasiness or even mental pain is part of life, part of being human. If we encounter pressures that are so difficult that we do not believe our bodies can to cope with them, we panic or experience depression. For some people, they get such experiences so outrageous that they lose touch with reality. Others may react by withdrawing and reducing contacts with the outside world and with other people.

Some people suffer more, and more often than others, while others seem to have both innate strength and unusual willpower. The difference between people is due to hereditary factors as well as the experiences during the early or later childhood.

Being able to get scared, angry, happy, curious or sad are basic psychological functions that humans (and most animals) developed during evolution. They serve as survival instincts by quickly showing us what something that we experience with our senses can mean. Sometimes this vital system can be overly sensitive. Then the person will react stronger, faster and sometimes less adapted to changes in the environment or in our own bodies. Others may have a too severe emotional enabled systems, which can also lead to problems.


Anxiety, we call such manifestations of fear or terror without apparent external cause that we observe in ourselves or others. Anxiety can cause worry and depression, constant tension and vigilance, or escalate to panic, then you almost think you’re about to die.

Depressed mood or depressive symptoms is about when you can not see anything on the bright side. On the contrary, you hear all that is gloomy and dark. It will be difficult to reach for something. In extreme cases you might not have the energy to get out of bed. It is often that one can not rely on their senses, or on its ability to draw conclusions from their observations. There may be hallucinations (when the sensations which have no external counterpart). In other cases, it is about distorted views of how life is constituted (one might, for example, feel persecuted or see conspiracies without basis in reality), or other misinterpretations of reality.

Contact us and learn more about depression and how we may help. Call us at 855-398-9837 today if you or someone you know is suffering from depression.